I've Been Thinking About Your Job Search...

Your Career Search Deserves Some Holiday Peace

A love note for your job search

As we enter this holiday season, I wanted to write you a special note about something I've been thinking about a lot lately - especially for those of you actively pursuing new opportunities.

I know how overwhelming job searching can feel. The constant alerts, the multiple versions of resumes, the mental energy of positioning yourself different ways for different roles. I see you, and I understand how exhausting this can be.

So I want to offer you what might be the most valuable gift I can share: permission to simplify.

Here's what I've seen work for my clients time and time again. It’s Get Her Hired’s core job-search strategy:

Choose ONE type of role. Just one. Give it 8-12 weeks of focused attention.

I know this might feel scary - especially if you're exploring being a CHRO, and a Head of CSR, and a non-profit ED. But here's the thing: when we tell our network we're open to multiple roles, we're actually making it harder for them to help us. Their brains get overwhelmed trying to match opportunities with varied interests. Usually, they end up remembering none of them.

When you focus on one role for 8-12 weeks, something beautiful happens:

  • Your network becomes crystal clear on how to help you

  • You develop genuine fluency in what companies want

  • Each conversation builds meaningful momentum

  • Your confidence grows naturally

  • Your energy stays strong instead of scattered

And here's my bonus tip: stick to one platform (I recommend LinkedIn). Multiple platforms just create multiple distractions.

Remember - after 8-12 weeks, you can absolutely pivot to something else. But give yourself the gift of focus first.

You are incredibly talented, and I know this journey isn't always easy. Sometimes the key to progress isn't doing more - it's doing less, with more intention.

I'm here to support you every step of the way.

Sincerely, Kate

P.S. Want some inbox support for your search? Join our 6-week Excited to Share coaching program for just $99. More information and application here.

👋 Before you Go …

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